Author Guidelines
Authors are encouraged to submit their work to this journal. Each submission will be evaluated by an editor to ensure it aligns with the journal's aims and scope. Manuscripts deemed suitable will proceed to peer review, which will determine their acceptance or rejection.
Before submitting, authors must secure permission for any included materials, such as photos, documents, and datasets. All listed authors must agree to be named as authors. Research involving human subjects should have received approval from an appropriate ethics committee in compliance with the relevant legal standards of the research’s country.
An editor may reject a submission at the initial stage if it fails to meet basic quality standards. Authors should ensure their study design and arguments are well-structured and clearly presented. The title should be succinct, and the abstract should be self-contained. This will enhance the chances of reviewers agreeing to review the manuscript. Once you are confident that your submission meets these criteria, please use the checklist below to prepare your manuscript.
Submission Preparation Checklist
- The submission adheres to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- The manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration by another journal.
- All references have been verified for accuracy and completeness.
- Tables and figures are appropriately numbered and labeled.
- Permission has been obtained for any photos, datasets, and other materials included in the submission.
Please submit your manuscript to the Articles section.
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