Kajian Perumpamaan dalam Bahasa Arab


  • Mohamad Ghozi


Study, Imagery, Arabic


Arabic, apart from being known as the oldest language, is also known as the language that has the largest vocabulary compared to other languages in the world. With this rich vocabulary, the beauty of the arrangement of words and sentences in Arabic cannot be matched by any other language. The beauty of the Arabic language is marked by the beautiful poetry they create. Apart from choosing the right words (mufrodat) to express feelings, Arabs are known to have the ability to express something abstract into the concrete, so that it becomes easy to understand. And one of the styles used to express the abstract into concrete is by using parables (matsal or amtsâl; jama', or tasybih). In the language matsal means the likeness of something to something else. Matsal is sometimes used as a compliment such as "you are like a badadari". (because of its beauty), or sometimes for sarcasm, for example "You will not be able to pick grapes from plants (trees) that have thorns. (even though fencing is the fruit of a tree that has no thorns). This means that you cannot get anything good from a bad source.This short article will open up our insight about parables (matsal or amtsâl; jama').


